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Top 10 Mobile App Development Trends to Adopt in 2023

The new year is here, and it is time to analyze the strategies that work for the business. It is time to plan for the future and see what additions can help businesses thrive in 2023.


By the year 2025, an expected rise in people using smartphones will reach 87%. You can turn this year into an opportunity to implement new plans and keep working on the strategies that work best for your business. Let’s start with learning the current trends in Mobile App Development.


Top 10 Trends in Mobile App Development


Here are a few trends in technology that are empowering mobile app development these days, and you can look at them as an opportunity to grow yourself.


1. Mobile Edge Computing


This trend will improve the availability and accessibility of mobile applications. It will help improve the latency issues with the current mobile apps. It is estimated that 90% of cloud usage will drop to 25% with edge computing.


Cloud computing is reliable but causes latency in enterprise data. With new technology and available bandwidth, one can conclude that cloud computing is not a long-term solution anymore. This is where edge computing is necessary to bring the cloud closer to the user and store computing solutions locally to reduce latency. It will enable more location-based services and fit well with other new technologies such as 5G.


2. Instant and Progressive Web Apps


Many users think twice before downloading an app. They wish to check out the features of the app firsthand, but they don’t want to spend time downloading it for testing.


Instant apps are in trend as they enable users to get the experience of using the application without actually downloading it. Sometimes users want to use a specific feature of the app or have a one-time trial. Progressive Web apps allow them to use the entire or specific features of the app on their browsers. It not only saves their time and data usage but also ensures that only interested users are downloading your app. It helps reduce the negative reviews on app stores as well.


3. Blockchain-based Applications


Blockchain is the best technology that you can utilize for keeping data secure and improving the privacy aspects of the mobile app. It ensures decentralization and maintains a record of transactions. It is efficient in keeping logs and helps with banking data greatly. It helps keep personal data safe and can be considered a reliable resource for IoT.


4. 5G Network and Technology


Since most of the apps run on cloud databases at the backend,  internet technology plays a vital role in reducing latency. The newly introduced 5G technology will enhance the accessibility and usability of mobile applications as well.


5G technology will reduce latency and impact the online traffic we see today. The introduction of this technology gives rise to IoT based applications as well. The better internet speed will also reduce battery usage and let users stay longer on the app.


5. Low Code App Development


It is better to make an early move in the market if you wish to stay ahead of your competitors. Low-code app development will help you release an early prototype or a small-scale application quickly. The low-code technology is easy to update and quick to code.


You can create an MVP with drag-and-drop options to develop an app quickly. You can keep updating your app later, according to the user’s needs. The low codes are easily modified, as new modifications do not hinder the working of the previous code, and you can release a single code on multiple mobile platforms.


 6. Extended Reality and Mixed Reality


The trend is shifting to some advanced forms of AR and VR. XR and MR are changing the way we use AR and VR. With the help of technical gear, they can merge reality with virtual graphics to give the user a real-life impression of the product.


This technology is helpful in showcasing the products to users without installing a real showroom. It also helps with the experience of going to a location without leaving their homes.


7. AI Chat-bots


Chatbots improve customer interaction by communicating with the user on behalf of the business owners. It provides instant solutions to users and remains available every time.


The improvement of AI chatbots improves the user experience, and in 2023, it is likely to see almost every business using them. It provides instant customer service and also helps with marketing business services.


 8. AI and Machine Learning


AI is changing the shape of marketing and application usage. A smart way to grow your business in 2023 is to adapt to the advancing AI technology and implement it in your application. AI can learn about customer activities and predict their choices. It will help you market your products and services to the target audience only.


It can also help you with inventory management and notify you about changing trends in the market. It helps with analyzing user demand, and you can update your services according to that quickly.


 9. Security-first Applications


The increase in cloud usage raises concerns among users regarding their privacy and data. The user data is saved online, and most of the transactions through applications are not trusted by the users very easily.


It is necessary to build secure routes for users to enter their data while keeping their experience of high quality.


 10. Fold-able Devices


The development industry has already adapted to tabs and cross-platform applications. But there is a new trend in the market: foldable devices. These devices change their layout according to the screen size a user is using.


Foldable devices have made their way into the market for quite some time and cannot be ignored anymore. It is likely to see more foldable device users in the near future, but right now, there are only a handful of applications that are compatible with these devices. Applications such as reading apps are common but there is room for many applications especially built for interactive screen sizes.


How to Plan App Development in 2023?


When you build an app, there are many factors to consider. Here are a few factors to consider in 2023 while developing an application.


Step 1: Requirements


Analyzing the trends and demands in the market gives you a fair display of the requirements for your application.  Determine the technology to use and the platform to start with. Include all the features that are not available in the market yet and attract more users.


Step 2: Bring a Solution


You have to plan how you can provide the maximum number of features while keeping the complexity of the app to a minimum. The app should be easy to use, yet it should serve as a solution to the user’s demands efficiently.


Step 3: Flow Charts


Sketch a visual guide that goes from a starting point to the end while analyzing costs and areas for improvement at every step.

You can build a prototype and then create the final interface for your app.


Step 4: Coding and Development


It is the phase where you have to make essential decisions. The technology you are using and the features you chose should be built the way you want them. The overall cost may exceed your planned expenditure when new features are added to the code.


Step 5: Testing


An app must go through numerous testing phases to rectify any flaws in services and security. There are professional testers for this job to ensure that the app works the way it is planned to work.


Step 6: Marketing


Many new techniques have emerged in recent years to reach a large audience in minimum time and at the lowest cost. You can budget for marketing in the target location to get maximum results as soon as you launch your app.


Step 7: Feedback and Updates


It is necessary to listen to user concerns and make changes to the app regularly to meet user demands. Active feedback helps you learn more about market demands and add features to your app according to them to ensure the growth of your business.




This year is the time to move your business online through mobile platforms. You can reach out to users on the devices they use daily. Plan according to the demands and help users get the features they are looking for in the market.


After learning the top trends, you can enhance the user experience of using mobile applications and make a stable stand for your business in the market before your competitors.


You can find professional assistance with learning more about these trends at Boffin Coders and discuss how an app can bring better sales to your business. You can find cross-platform, latest technology, and a low-cost development in one place.

Picture of Jyoti Kumari

Jyoti Kumari

As a blog author, I have a strong passion for staying up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies. My expertise lies in WordPress development, SEO optimization, and content writing. Whether you have an idea for a website, mobile app, or custom software, our team is here to guide you. Get a free consultation with us. Additionally, I am available to provide the best SEO and content writing services to boost your online presence.
Picture of Jyoti Kumari

Jyoti Kumari

As a blog author, I have a strong passion for staying up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies. My expertise lies in WordPress development, SEO optimization, and content writing. Whether you have an idea for a website, mobile app, or custom software, our team is here to guide you. Get a free consultation with us. Additionally, I am available to provide the best SEO and content writing services to boost your online presence.